The EPA states, “Every year, more than one trillion gallons of water go down the drain because of household leaks. Leaks may increase a water bill by as much as 10 percent.”
In addition to the cost of the wasted water, untreated leaks can cause significant and expensive damage to your home. Water leaks can rot wood and drywall, lead to mold, and rust out metal piping. Gas leaks are even more serious as they pose a grave danger to your home and family, possibly causing a deadly fire or illness from prolonged exposure.
Unfortunately leak detection isn’t top of mind for most homeowners until a problem arises. Here are a few telltale signs you should have your home professionally inspected for leaks:
Water leaks —
• Water meter number rises after two hours of no water use
Sewer line leaks —
• A gurgling sound from drains
• Sewage odor around your home
• Rising and falling toilet bowl water levels
• Murky water backup in sinks and tubs
If you notice any one of these signs, call Lindstrom Air Conditioning & Plumbing right away. Using a variety of methods, our leak detection specialists can pinpoint the source of the leak, assess the problem, and fix it.
Better yet, sign up for one of our annual maintenance agreements before you notice any problems. You’ll rest easier knowing that you’re protecting the health and safety of your family, the value of your home, and fatness of your wallet.
You also might want to check out our leak calculator.