Home Zoning Services - Lindstrom Air Conditioning & Plumbing

Zoning Your Home

“Zoning your home’ means dividing it into separate areas that have similar heating and cooling needs. This allows you to control different areas of your home based upon occupancy and needs, while saving you money in energy costs and increasing overall comfort.”

– Budd Suffoletta, HVAC Service Manager


Ask yourself these questions to decide if Zoning makes sense for you:

  • Do you have internal areas of your home that tend to overheat or over cool?
  • Are different family members comfortable at different temperatures?
  • Do you have problems with temperatures varying from one floor of your home to another?
  • Are any rooms seldom used such as a formal dining room or guest bedroom?
  • Are any rooms used for special purposes such as a home office or exercise room? 
  • Do you have any rooms that have unique cooling and heating requirements such as a sunroom, basement or bonus room?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you should consider a customized zoning system designed by Lindstrom Air Conditioning.

Our home zoning system is specially designed to allow your entire family to be comfortable, regardless of where they are in your home. With an integrated Zone System, your home can be divided and each independent zone will have its own zone sensor which will monitor and control the temperature in its area. As the day progresses, your family lives in different parts of the house. Now, you’ll be able to program each specific zone to be active or inactive depending on your schedule. For instance, you can set the bedrooms to be inactive during the day while the kitchen and living areas are active. Perhaps you have rooms that will be seldom used, such as a guest bedroom or formal living /dining room. The possibilities are endless and the results are very comforting.

Contact Lindstrom Air Conditioning for help setting up a customized, comfortable zoned system that’s just right for your lifestyle.

For more on this or any of our other products and services, please contact us. Don’t forget to ask us about our exclusive 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!

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