How to optimize for HVAC system for a Florida winter - Lindstrom Air Conditioning & Plumbing

How to optimize for HVAC system for a Florida winter

Cooling programmable thermostat

Although Florida may have the mildest winters in the Continental U.S., we here at Lindstrom Air Conditioning & Plumbing know there’s still a lot of HVAC system preparation for cooler months. Here are a few quick tips to help prepare!

Program your Thermostat

Lindstrom offers a variety of thermostats to fit the needs of you and your family. One great way to optimize your home for winter and keep your system running efficiently all year long is to use a programmable thermostat. Find a schedule that works for you — when everyone leaves for work when the last person goes to bed — and set your programmed temperatures based on that schedule. You won’t have to worry about constantly updating the thermostat, but it will work for the schedule that you and your family keep!

Schedule a Tune-Up

There are various maintenance measures that you can perform at home, including checking your air filters, keeping the units clean and more. But we also recommend at least semiannual professional inspections to ensure that your system is running at peak efficiency. Did you know that your A/C unit loses around 5 percent of its efficiency each year that it runs? These preventative inspections will not only keep your home comfortable but also save you money in the long run.

Try a Heat Pump

A heat pump uses outside air to heat a home in the winter (and cool it in the summer). It essentially moves warm air from one place to another, depending on where it is or isn’t needed. Since heat pumps move heat instead of generating heat, they are also a more efficient manner of heating your home.

Or a Heat Strip

If you already have an airhandler, which works in conjunction with your outdoor air conditioner, then a heat strip is an easy addition to provide heat. It turns the air handler into an electric heating system, which also has air conditioning capabilities, to help warm up those cooler December and January nights.

We at Lindstrom Air Conditioning & Plumbing are happy to serve the South Florida area for all your HVAC or plumbing needs. Give us a call at (800) 813-1824 today!

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